SpongeBob SquarePants is an extremely energetic and optimistic sea sponge (although his appearance more closely resembles a kitchen sponge) who lives in a pineapple under the sea with his pet snail Gary, who meows like a cat. Although Gary only speaks in a few episodes, the characters have shown an ability to understand him. Living two houses down from SpongeBob is his best friend Patrick Star, a dim-witted yet friendly starfish who lives under a rock. Living between the two is Squidward Tentacles, an arrogant and egotistical squid who lives in a moai and dislikes his neighbors (especially SpongeBob) for their child-like behavior. He enjoys playing the clarinet and painting self-portraits.

Another friend of SpongeBob is Sandy Cheeks, a red squirrel who speaks with a Texan accent and resides in an underwater dome in Bikini Bottom. She was sent there to do scientific research for her chimpanzee bosses. Sandy is an expert at karate. When not inside her tree-dome, she wears an astronaut-like suit because she cannot breathe in water. SpongeBob and Squidward's employer is former officer cadet for the Bikini Bottom Navy force and war veteran Eugene Krabs, a miserly crab obsessed with money and the founder of the Krusty Krab restaurant. Mr. Krabs’ archenemy is Sheldon Plankton, a small green copepod who owns a low-rank fast-food restaurant called the Chum Bucket across the street from the Krusty Krab. Plankton spends most of his time plotting to steal the recipe for Mr. Krabs's popular Krabby Patty burgers in order to obtain success, though all of his schemes usually end in failure.
(all get from wikipedia! =D)

Kopaja, 2 ibu" Si***n, dan speaker

siang tgl selasa 17 nov kemaren, pas gw plg skul nek kopaja, lg seeeppiii bgt...(mantep dah..) nah trus, tu kopaja brenti dulu gatau mo ngebetulin apaan.

setelah mo nyampe yg di deket tikungan betulin jalan tol deket puri itu trus ad 2 ibu"guru gt... yg satu ngomong:"aduh bang! ni mo jalan lg ga siii?! lama bgt!"(padahal baru jga semenit...)
yg k 2 ktawa kecil aj......

trus kan kebetulan d tempat brentinya itu ad kaek toko spiker(speaker) lg nyalain lgu dangdutan abis itu yg abang benerin kopajanya itu ngambil sesuatu di kopaja, nah si ibu satu ngomong lagi:"hiihh lama bgt si bang? ni jangan2 mo d oper!!saya tu cape tau!"(lu kira gw kaga, noh perjalanan 3 jem heh???)
kata si abang:"bentar2 bu..!sabar" trus si abangnya keluar....

trus beberapa detik kemudian tu abang masuk lagi dan bilang:" udah joget2 aja dulu bu, tu ad lagu dangdutnya.." si ibu bukannya ngerespon dgn baik tapi malah marah2,ngomel,bilang malah ngajak becanda lah,cicitcuitlah........ gw jga ga ketawa saat itu....

nah trus abis itu, ternyata beneran di oper(malesin bgt emg...) pas di operan itu si ibu ke 2 yg mo turun EGOIS SIALAN SINTING ABIS! pengen keluar duluan! SIALAN! karena gw gendut dan bawa tas berat, ya gw lawan, akhirnya y gw duluan.... pas ud naik gw kan pengennya di belakang yah biar enk pas kalo kopajanya lg ngerem...

eh si ibu sialan(yg ke 2) ngomong gni:" maju dong dek! susah bener si maju doang!di depan masi kosong"(NAJOOONNGGGG) trus gw pasang tampang jutek, gw liatin dy, trus abs itu dy cma ktawa2 kecil gt...(SARAP ap ni org!??) ud bikin kesel2 orang.....! tpi......... setelah gw pikir kembali kejadian di atas..... di kopaja operean itu, gw pengen ktawa banget.... gara si abang bilang'joget2 aj dulu.....' PARAH...


tes doang, males gw.haahhh..ntar2 plg kalo lg 'senggang!'